ABA & Beyond

Staff/Caregiver Training

Staff/Caregiver Training

At ABA beyond LLC, we recognize the vital role that parents and caregivers play in the success of our clients’ therapy. That’s why we offer comprehensive staff/caregiver training services to empower and support those who provide care and support to individuals undergoing ABA therapy.


Our staff/caregiver training program is designed to equip parents and caregivers with the necessary knowledge and skills to actively participate in their loved one’s therapy journey. We understand that every client is unique, and our training is tailored to address their specific needs and goals.


Through our training, caregivers will learn evidence-based techniques and strategies to reinforce and generalize skills learned during therapy sessions. We provide practical guidance on implementing behavior plans, teaching new skills, managing challenging behaviors, and promoting positive reinforcement. Our experienced and dedicated trainers ensure that caregivers feel confident and supported in their role.


By involving caregivers as active participants in the therapy process, we create a collaborative and consistent approach that enhances the client’s progress and overall well-being. At ABA beyond LLC, we believe in the power of teamwork and are committed to providing ongoing support and guidance to our staff and caregivers.